Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Preppy Movement is Upon Us!!!

Well, I think we can finally say The Preppy Movement is Upon Us. Thank you Mr. Hilfiger to going back to your roots and giving us Preppy back again and also a shout out to Macy's for dressing their 34th Street - Herald Square Flagship windows. I love what you did!

Preppy is for everyone....kids, teenagers, man & woman and it shows by the Hifiger windows. The framed faces on the different ages wearing Prep is liberating and fresh saying we are going back to basic classic traditional clothing but twisted w/ updates w/ a bit of color contrast & detailing such as mixing and matching different warm luxury fabrics and styled to a modern day 60's look. We are showing people how to dress again like their parents and grandparents did. It is a time to feel revitalized & good about dressing again. Clothing should be practical & fun and defined not only by the clothing, but how you style it to your personality that represents your lifestyle or mood you are feeling for that day.

Tommy is once again an All American!

Check out the pics I took today of the Macy's windows so you can see what I am talking about. Enjoy and if you get a chance go and see the windows. Seeing is believing!

"Stay Preppy My Friends"

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